wiiu dvd


What happens if you insert a PS5 game in a WiiU?

#godofwar #PS5 #gaming #nintendo #godofwarragnarok

Instalando HD Externo no WiiU

Vídeo explica como instalar o HD externo no novo console da Nintendo, é um pouco complicado então prestem bastante ate...

Dr Mario's Excellent Adventure (Super Mario 3D World)

Time lord Doctor Mario sends two teens from the 90's to 2013 to play Super Mario 3D World, but leaves one pal lost in ...

What Happens When you put a Wii U Game in a Nintendo Switch

What happens when you put a Nintendo Wii U game disc into a DVD Drive plugged into the Nintendo Switch.

What happens if you put a dvd in a Wii U


PairaGamers: [How To] -“LG Blue-ray Drive on WiiU?” [Full DVD Playback] (vWii / WiiMC)

1) This does work 2) You need the Home-brew Channel on WiiU 3) Only tested in vWii Mode 4) Same SD card used from my o...
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